Money and 12 Ways Rich People Think Differently Than Average People

Want to know what is The One Thing that makes rich people richer and the other people impoverished?

Good news! You are in the right place.

Now you just need to read this post and to learn from it's important information.


Steve Siebold, author of "How Rich People Think," spent nearly three decades interviewing millionaires around the world to find out what separates them from everyone else. 

The amazing secret that Steve found was so simple and easy that everybody who want to join the Millionaires club can learn and become a millionaire himself.

So shall I begin? (;

1. Rich people follow their passion
Even Oprah Winfrey said it – you’ve got to follow your passion and do what you love. Rich people find a way of getting paid and making their money for doing something they love to do. Average people earn money doing things they don’t love and don't follow their passion.

2. Rich people dream about their future
Rich people spend a lot of time looking into the future (Yes they do it all the time!), setting goals and looking forward to what lies ahead is very important if you want join the club. Average people dwell on the past which often holds them back by making them unhappy or depressed and don't give them to get high in their carrier and be successful.
 Jordan Belfort - The Wolf Of Wall Street said : “No matter what happened to you in your past, you are not your past, you are the resources and the capabilities you glean from it. And that is the basis for all change.

3. Rich people think about money logically
Average, well-educated people can fall into the trap of thinking about money emotionally and just wanting to retire comfortably But this is not the right way. Rich people maintain a logical relationship with money viewing it as a tool that represents options and opportunities.

4. Rich people aim very high
The average people set low expectations to avoid disappointment because the afraid to failure but rich people set huge expectations and follow their dreams.
That's how they reach the high places in life.

 5. Rich people have an action mentality
You wouldn’t see a rich person lining up to play the lottery (even before they were rich). Average people are always waiting on someone else to help them get rich - the Lotto, Government, friend or spouse – but it only keeps them poor. Rich people take action and spend time solving problems.
Don't waste time and wait for something to happen take action now!

6. Rich people favor specific knowledge over formal education
Average people believe the road to riches is through doing masters and doctorates (So dumb). Rich people are generally rich because they have made money by selling a specific knowledge they have acquired or created something, open a business...

7. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue
Average people think and feel they need to save the world and put others before themselves which is a mistake because it keeps them poor. Rich people take the attitude that if they don’t help themselves first they can’t help anyone else.

8. Rich people don’t let money stress them out
Average people do. Rich people find peace of mind in wealth and are not afraid to admit that money can solve most problems – allowing them to make more money. Average people see money as a continuous battle and necessary evil they have to endure like something that they always to work for it and they feel bad about money.

9. Rich people use other people’s money
Average people believe they must to use only their own money to make money whereas rich people have no problem using other people’s because everybody revenues from that.

10. Rich people live their dreams 
Average people live like average people, think like average people and afraid to live as their dreams came true, they think it will never come true.
Rich people know that if they want strong enough and work hard, their dreams will come true so they live the present like their dream already came true.

11. Rich people focus on earning
Average people focus on saving and miss big opportunities. Rich people constantly focus on the big picture and how to earn the big bucks, they know that to save another 10 dollars won't make them rich, but to increase their earnings will do that.

12. Rich people surround themselves with like-minded people
Average people think rich people are snobs and have a negative attitude towards the super rich. Rich people know that if you want to success you must surround your self with people who think like you.

If you want to get rich just follow these simple rules and start to think like the rich.

Shay Mizrahi

CEO of the online shopping company Bestore inc. and the owner of the Talk Only Money Website, Young entrepreneur and living the business life help people reach financial freedom.

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