The 3 Super easy steps to open a Blog and make money

Here's why you should start your personal blog today and how to earn extra money from it.

The 3 Super easy steps to open a Blog and make money!

First I want yo say that even if you don't write so much you can open a blog and there is some ways to fix this little problem:

1. You can hire a writer online (see the post "make money from writing articles" for tips and links).

2. you can buy good articles in for 5$.

3. You can write short posts.. I believe that every one can write some words about things that interests him or things that he loves.

So now after I explained it I going to convince you to open a new personal blog.
Why? because I want you to start earn extra money and do the change in your way to big success and wealth.

With a blog you can earn money from writing some minutes each day, sounds good, no?
You sure say to yourself now that maybe I just say that things to make it heard good, but maybe it is really good as it sounds..

Let's start and you will understand all:

First super easy step:
I will show you the first step to do this and hoe it so easy, the first thing I will say that you need to do as you can guess is to decide what is going to be your niche, and I will say to you now that it's not really matter what it will be because there is enough people in the world and in the Internet that are like this niche as you or even more!

You want easy life not hard so choose the niche that you will have easy and fun to talk and write about.

Second super easy step:
Good, after that stage you will say me that you don't know to write a WEB\HTML code, and you know what? Me too!
All you need to do to start is just go to Blogger - , and start your FREE Blogger Blog exactly like me!
Just open your blog design it as you wish with the Blogger system and write - that easy!

Third super easy step (and the last):
Now you have niche and a blog (without you used even 1$) you started to write interesting posts once a day or couples days and you have some readers,that is the step that you start your income from the blog - how we going to do it?

We will go to Google Adsense  open an account and from now you will be able to put ads in your blog and earn money.

That is the 3 Super easy steps to open a Blog and make money!
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Shay Mizrahi

CEO of the online shopping company Bestore inc. and the owner of the Talk Only Money Website, Young entrepreneur and living the business life help people reach financial freedom.

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